The recent assault on Gaza inspired by the killings of three Israeli teenagers in June of this year have led to a huge swell in support for the people of Gaza and Palestine from many sources in the West. An initial continuation of the BBC's pro Israeli stance has now weakened with some more balanced coverage coming from many Western media outlets.
Image from ICAHD illustrating Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes |
Since the beginning of the Israeli assault on the Gaza strip, 'Operation Protective Edge', the death toll in Gaza tops 200. The densely populated area has been constantly bombarded by airstrikes leaving many innocents dead, yet the idea of sanctions against Israel has not appeared as an option for Western allies. John Kerry has called only for ceasefire talks between both sides with Obama promoting Egypt as a power broker due to their new President being 'less conciliatory towards Hamas' than his predecessor. This seems a weak response to a conflict which has seen no Israeli deaths from Palestinian rocket attacks (CNN) compared to such large amounts of civilian casualties on the Palestinian side. Continued support for the Netanyahu government who promote such violent, indiscriminate responses to Palestinian revolt is both irresponsible and immoral. This is a government who continue to demolish Palestinian settlements and deny Palestinians human rights. (as articulated by the image on the right)
Since the formation of the Israeli state, its relationship with the Western powers who once colonised it, has been incredibly irresponsible on the West's part. After Britain abandoned its colonial post and Truman supported the creation of a Jewish state in the 1940s, the West has continually supported a state with a horrendous human rights record, displacing Palestinians and disallowing them basic civil rights, the UN dual state resolution (181) can be seen to have now failed - Israel is continually encroaching upon Palestinian settlements and now has effective sovereignty over the territory. This unilateral support continues up to this day - in the third presidential debate of 2012, both Obama and Romney committed to supporting Israel militarily and politically with no conditions given.

This support of a violent, irresponsible Israeli government has to stop now. With continued breaches of human rights in Gaza and the West Bank it is up to the international community to pressure leaders into finding a new solution. Should the West abandon its policy of support for Israel, promote a new solution for the territory of Palestine which promotes civil rights for all and a consensus based single government between Israelis and Palestinians. For the best of the people, and to move away from the dangerous policies the West creates for itself by allowing Zionism and Hamas' brand of Arab nationalism to be seen as the most viable means for leadership in the area, why not promote a single state solution? Why not promote human rights and a move away from the right wing rhetoric spouted by both sides in the last few weeks?
Does a single state offer a better solution for the people of
Palestine? Please leave your comments and thoughts in the section below.